Our Trustees
Duncan Raistrick
MBChB MPhil FRCPsych
Duncan qualified in medicine from the University of Leeds in 1971. He trained in general practice and then decided on a change of direction. After a year in neurology he trained in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital in London and became Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist at Leeds Addiction Unit in 1979 where he was Clinical Director until 2015. Duncan has retired from clinical practice and is now focussed on the development of RESULT and research interests. Duncan was a Trustee and member of the executive committees of the Society for the Study of Addiction and the Royal College of Psychiatrists substance misuse section; he advised the Department of Health and Home Office through many working groups, and for a number of years was advisor on alcohol misuse to the Chief Medical Officer.
Gillian Tober
Gillian graduated in psychology and sociology at the the University of Leeds in 1975 and gained her PhD in 2000. She has worked for addiction services in Leeds since 1978, joining the Leeds Addiction Unit in 1984. She developed a national training centre and a portfolio of accredited courses in collaboration with the University of Leeds. The training department has prepared, supervised and monitored therapists for multi centre clinical trials and developed methods of evaluating practice. Gillian has retired from clinical practice and is now focussed on teaching and research. She was Chair of the New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Group and vice chair of the Addictions Forum. She was President of the Society for the Study of Addiction for eight years, is currently a Trustee of the charity Learning To Live Again.
Mark Bisson
Mark worked with problem drinkers as a volunteer in the 1980’s. He qualified as a Registered Mental Health Nurse in Leicester in 1988 joining the Leeds Addiction Unit in 1992. He has extensive experience providing addiction treatment to hospital in-patients, in shared care with inner-city GPs, as a specialist providing in-reach in a general hospital, and liaison nurse with acute mental health and the crisis resolution teams; he established and ran a smoking cessation clinic. He was a University of Leeds Associate Lecturer/Practitioner in the Leeds Addiction Unit Training department teaching to degree level, he provided dual diagnosis supervision and contributed to the Leeds Addiction Unit research programme as a trial therapist. In 2017 Mark retired from clinical practice and now contributes as a volunteer with RESULT and the Canal and River Trust.
Gemma Hart
Dip HE, BA (Hons)
After gaining qualifications in counselling Gemma began her career in the 3rd sector drug and alcohol field in 2003. She moved to the NHS in 2008 to provide support and interventions to people under the age of 18 misusing drugs and/or alcohol and supporting those affected by parental substance misuse. Gemma is currently working in Sheffield’s adult drug and alcohol services managing a team of practitioners. She has additional training and experience in the practice of CBT, DBT and ACT. Gemma is an experienced trainer and aiming to equip new recruits in the addiction field to deliver high quality care, behaviour change and relapse prevention evidence based psycho-social interventions. Gemma has a special interest in working with those with mental health and substance misuse and is a member of the comorbidity network in Sheffield.